Wednesday, April 06, 2005

je suis de retour...

Finally i am home after 5 weeks.. It has been a productive 5 weeks which has done me a lot of good..First of all the way i work will definitely improve.. and second it has shown me the importance of home.. I finally know what it means when we say:"there's no place like home"..
.. a cancerian at heart i guess.
The flights were a little too long for comfort.. but on the upside i had some good company and that helped get through it.. there was even a book i managed to finish while being with the clouds..
It feels great to be back home.. back to familiar things..talking to friends and family without a phone line dividing us..
Now i can do all the things that constitute "normal" life ,i missed out the last 5 weeks..And top on that list is meeting all friends and spending time with my family over the weekend..
Just can't wait to ride with RTMC and show off my new jacket.. have had a lot of people already turning green...

The trip has definitely brought some changes in least my paunch has reduced, if nothing else:)
It has also instilled a desire to travel even more than i do now.. Seeing new places and meeting new people..making new friends is such a high...

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