Sunday was defintely a memorable one.. hope it was equally
so for all of us who caught up...tracing back i guess it
all started off with a few of us getting touch over the
net.. small pockets of us had kept in touch but never th e
whole group.. amazingly we hardly ever bumped into each
other the last three years.. & boom.. all of a sudden the
time is right & all of us meet up at college..10:30 was the time we planned to meet up.. & all of us
trickled in at our versions of 10:30.. was there by around
10:40.. Found that i was the first one there.. Shilpa had
text'ed that she was on the way .. returned Supreet's call
to find out where he was.Took a walk around college..going over all the memories
associated with each Shankar dropped in soon & we thought we would check out
the medico "babes"..too bad none of them had turned up on
sunday.. Supreet rode in on his kinetic & all three of us
made ourselves comfy on the entrance stairs.. "Titanic"
was the initial venue for all of us to meet up..but then
the place was just too hot..So the shade it was.. So here
are the three of us trying to catch up on years & we see
a familiar looking girl walk by..& its Rashmi.. she did
not look very different apart from the pair of glasses
perched on her nose..This got us started off on our 3 year
updates again..which was all repeated when Ashwini
appeared in a couple of minutes.. We called up Divya & she
was still at Queen's road waiting for shilpa.. So all
prepared ouselves for a long wait..KC was the next to
arrive..kicking off with his jokes..he has certainly not
changed.. the next appearance was something unexpected..A splendor
comes in & parks right under our noses.. & lo and behold
it was our HOD.. a sort of uncomfy moment..mainly because
we had not expected this.. he wanted all of us to make it
to his chamber before we left.. he was insistent.. so we
decided to wait for the others & meet him at one go..Soon shilpa, Divya & suhas joined us..followed a little
later by Abhishek.. & how could we give up on this photo some good snaps of all of us.. ironially we had
not thought of such stuff in all the 4 years of college..
& here we were after 3 years..drowning in nostalgia..
Kicked off our search for the HOD..finally located him &
waited for him to finish his work before talking to him..
..all we wanted to do was to just head out for lunch.. so
all of us were looking to keep this meeting as short as we
possibly could..All of us trooped into his cabin..prepared to nod in
silence for a few minutes & then head out.. none of us
were prepared for what lay ahead..The HOD started off by
updating us on what was going on in college.. the new
ventures the college was thinking of.. the results..etc..
& soon we were ready to run... but then something
changed.. we all realised how much respect he was showing
us.. he was genuinely happy to see us...not saying
anything just for the sake of it..from then on not many of
us realised how time flew..All of us did not mind butting
in with our ideas..we were surrised at how much he
remebered stuff about us..a pleasant was a
very healthy discussion which showed us a side of him we
did not knew existed.. a person concerned about his
students..not afraid to criticise the system he was a part
of.. all of us soon opened up & it was our turn to update
him on what we were doing & what we wanted to do.. time
just was more than an hour when we bid our good
byes to him.. promising to return in a couple of weeks
with more of our old comrades..
By now we had decided to head out to a resort on
Kanakapura road..& boy it was hot..made it there in about
a half an hour..& a filling lunch it was..the food was
really awesome..Here is where we get to the icing for the
day..midway through lunch..Divya could not find her camera retracing our steps we reasoned that we must
have left it behind in the prof's chamber.. so called him
up & he offered to meet us back in college in about an
hour..all of us prepared to head back & what do we find?
The camera was in the car all the while!!.. so this meant
another call to thank the Prof.. & apologise for troubling
him..but then... Divya realised that she had "found" only
the camera case & not the another call by Suhas
to the HOD to tell him about the fiasco..By now Diva is
all flustered..the lost & found & lost again camera was
expensive.. so the tension was palpable.. A couple of minutes more & KC gives her the case & the
camera is mystically inside the case!! boy she was ready
to throw the kitchen sink at us..she would now have to
call up the prof AGAIN to explain the whole thing.. that's
when we break it to her that Suhas had faked the call & we
had hid the camera.. the expression was priceless.. & is
soon going to be posted long as Abhisek decides
to send across the pic soon...None of us really wanted to end the day I guess.. we
headed back to college & talked some more.. finally called
it a day when people remembered that it was late & there
was much work to attend to the next day..Defintely a memorable day & looking forward to seeing all again..soon..