Sunday, November 14, 2004

..the week that was..

I managed to finish that write up of the kemmangundi trip last week. I must admit that this is not one of my better works, though..I should have put more effort into it..I was in this great rush to finish it as I wanted to complete it when I was not loaded with work ..and this took its toll on the quality..Oh well..there will be more rides and I am sure I will make up for it pretty soon...

Diwali was pretty low key this year..Anyways I have stopped with all the fireworks not want to add any more noise and pollution.. This is definitely one downside of Diwali..there is so much of noise and pollution all around..and to top it, I developed an allergy to the fumes and had a bad cold the latter part of last week... I was working night s during Diwali and so, I slept through most of it anyway.

I went back home from office on the festival day..and was made to take an oil was actually pretty good..I must vist a spa soon.and see how relaxing an ol bath and a massage can be..:-) Then came the shopping for some home appliances which was loong overdue..Now we have a lovely new refrigerator and hopefuly this time..the cockroaches don't assume that we have brought them a new they did with the last one..A delicious lunch follwed this..and then it was time to hit the sack..
That was my diwali..nothing very inspiring I must admit..but the upside was that I did not contribute to all that noise and air polluion..

The weekend was as usual..Saturday was filled with running erands for home..and of course a visit to STYX in the evening.. I was very envious of all those guys with looong hair and was cursing myself for choping my locks.. This weeks STYX sojourn had a purpose..We were celebrating my friend being accetpted by his girlfriend's parents'..Looks like a marriage in the offing....returned home in the wee hours as usual..

Sunday was a lazy relaxed day..The highlight was that I taught my sister how to ride the bullet and she is picking up very fast..

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