Monday, October 04, 2004

Make a wish

When i was young( not that i am old and need a cane to support me now), one question that always mesmerized me was "what would you want if you could have three wishes".
I had come up with this unique solution. I would wish for three more wishes over and over again. Seemed to be a novel idea at the time. Realize now, how hazardous it could have been. And I always wondered why no stories had the protagonist use this method to be able to have a lifetime supply of wishes.....

There was this eyelash superstitions among my friends. Whenever you shed an eyelash and somebody noticed it , they would put it on the back of your hand. You were supposed to close your eyes, make a wish and blow it. If it was blown away, your wish would come true. Every one of thse times, I had wished for a bike(which I presently have). Even though I am not particularly superstitious, I always somehow did this whenever somebody found an eyelash that had decided to part ways with me.
Recently my sister was subjecting me to this make-an-eyelash-wish thingie and i inadvertantly wished for a bike, though its been some time since i have it now. Maybe that is how much i wanted it...

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