Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Damn good biker jokes....

Go here for some realy wicked biker jokes..mind you this is only for the ones with a strong stomach...definitely needs to be taken with a handful of salt...

Oh and btw...there is a balance in life!!
The girl was so confused initially but decided to remain friends at last...
Am glad that it did not follow the path my story had taken...we defenitely do not need another uncomfortable couple in our group....which anyway is dying a slow death without us adding to it!!!
..and if you are wondering ..about the "my story" part..sorry folks that's all you get to do about it.. certainly are not gonna get to anatomize it...for like a wise man said.."Its for me to know and you to guess".. and yeah..the wise man is "yours truly"!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He he he ...