Saturday, August 07, 2004


Isn't it funny that what scientists do is called research. Where exactly did they lose it that they have to research it?? and nowadays they are not so bright with their researches either.
Imagine some researches like the following:
1) It has been found that all dogs that have light coloured noses have more tendencies to howl at the moon.
2)Giraffes with looong necks have trouble winking at their partners during the month of june
3) Elephants never drink water when there are more than 8 elephants at the same watering hole knee deep in water.
4) When two squirrels are in love, they go colour blind.

And moving on to humans.

5) People living in the dep jungles of Amazon have no knowledge of how people in Taiwan look.
6) Men who have large tattoos on their chests do not like to wear shirts..
7) Americans when subjected to terror start to consume more eatables and sue the system for higher amounts for the resulting obesity.
8) Possessing or not possessing WMD's is harmful to your country if the world's big daddy is presently being ruled by some guy whose brain is still boarding its train of thought..
9) The intelligence of a countrys' head is indirectly propotional to its economic strength..

That's all for now folks..More updates as researches conclude. At present there are still research teams that have headed out into the deep jungles of amazonand other places where information is waiting to be unearthed. One intersting research on the anvil is whether drinking causes pregnancy..or the other way round and how this impacts the third world countries in their daily lives..

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