The start was however delayed because I was not able to get up early. All thanks to my late night impulsive party the previous night..Went to reshma's house(and ironically she had been up early this day), and moved on to Chaitra's house.. I was pretty hungry by then, cause due to my night sojourn , i had missed dinner..At Chaitra's house her mom offered us breakfast and I jumped at the offer, fending off a few glares and rebukes from Reshma.
After this we set off , and the traffic on the way out of the city was downright pathetic.. The highway was such a pleasure after that. Discovered one definite advantage being born a man..the whole world is your loo..pity the girls for this though... The drive was uneventful other than our first stop where a couple of harmless guys tried to make some conversation with the girls..Didn't see them after that though..MAybe I scared them off...haha wishful thinking..
We made good speed to the falls and it was a really good iew. I would have enjoyed it even if not for all the liter there..It was such a putoffthe way people were littering.. The shopkeepers did not have any dustbin either. We carried our trash back with us, cause we did not want to add on to the defacing of this spot. We spent what seemed like a long time, just staring at the falls and admiring it.. It seemed to change shae every now and then....
After having our fill of the falls, we decide to we would head to Mysore to have lunch. We expected the ride to b not more than 2 hours but the bad roads made sure this stretched on fo r 3 times there was no road but just traces of a road, that should have been there..AT one point the main road continued on as a mud road and I took the oe that looked bigger. After about a Km, we luckily asked for directions and went back the right way...
Lunch at Mysore was a good one. After lunch we just got back in the car and headed home. And the less said about Mysore-Bangalore highway the better. We were all getting a little bored by now, and so I was making good speed.. The highlight was that the brake was behaving funny..It would work if it wanted and not work sometimes..Had to be very careful because of this...We also passed a funny man in a maruti..HE had a weird signal, which meant we could pass him when we honked behind him..It looked more like he was struggling for air or rowing a boat , than like a traffic signal...ust to catch this signal again I let him overtake me and honked to pass him...But, he did catch on the third time and there ended our highway entertainment.. Not much happenend after this except for a ford endevaour passing us like as if we were stationary, and hitting the city at peak traffic time...
Overall A good trip, and I would like to do this again soon sometime, and we definitely will inform Arvind and make sure he comes..CIAO

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